10 Ways to Combat Workplace Stress

An employee facing workplace stress

An employee facing workplace stress 

Recent research has proved that there is a high percentage of Americans who feel workplace stress, and this percentage is only getting higher with time—a survey conducted with more than 2000 full-time employees in the U.S. between the ages 18-79 showed that more than half of the people find themselves in stressful situations at work 60% of the time.

Work stress can cause various health complications. These health consequences can be minor, like becoming more susceptible to colds and flu, to more serious such as metabolic syndrome and heart disease. Constant stress at the workplace should not be ignored for an extended period.

It is challenging, if not impossible, to find a job that is not stressful in any way. The better option is to adopt coping mechanisms that can help with workplace stress. You can be facing pressure regarding various aspects of your work. Maybe you have to deal with a toxic coworker or keeping up with deadlines is causing anxiety.

Some of the everyday causes of stress at the workplace include:

  • Excessive workload
  • Low salary
  • Work isn’t challenging or exciting
  • Fewer opportunities for growth
  • Not being given enough control over work-related decisions
  • Lack of support from colleagues and superiors
  • Unclear or conflicting demands and performance expectations

Effects of Uncontrolled Stress at the Workplace

Work-related stress does not mean you are free of it as soon as you get home. The pressure you face every day at work can find its way into your life, even at home. It can take a toll on your physical and mental health.

Having to deal with constant workplace stress in the work environment can cause headaches, trouble sleeping, stomach aches, difficulty concentrating, a short temper and much more. Chronic stress due to work can also lead to insomnia, high blood pressure, anxiety and a weak immune system.

Often, stress can also lead to people using unhealthy or dangerous coping mechanisms. Experiencing excessive stress can cause people to start smoking, overeating, eating unhealthy food, abusing alcohol and drugs, etc.

Coping With Workplace Stress

1. Practice Meditation to Cope with Workplace Stress

Stress is a major issue for many people in the workplace, and it can affect not only your mental health but also your physical health. Meditation is an excellent way to ease the stress and anxiety you might be feeling, and it can improve energy levels and mood in the work environment.

Stress is a natural part of life. It can be a motivating force that pushes us to do our best work. However, chronic stress can lead to a number of health problems such as anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure. Meditation can help combat stress because it promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety/depression and lowers blood pressure.

Meditation is a great way to cope with stress. It's been proven to reduce stress and help people better deal with life. There are many types of meditation, but it's important to find the one that works best for you.

2. Create a Work-Life Balance to Cope with Work Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, work-life balance is "the ability to successfully manage the demands of work and family/personal life." Coping strategies are effective when they are adaptive, realistic, feasible, and sustainable. Coping strategies can be individualized to fit your needs.

It can be difficult for people to maintain a work-life balance. Identifying the right tasks to prioritize and automatically scheduling these tasks in the day can help someone achieve this goal. Similarly, limiting social media usage can also help create this balance.

It is essential for employees to find a balance between work and personal life. A healthy work-life balance can reduce workplace stress and anxiety and improve one's quality of life. With the right time management skills and a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to maintain a balance between work and life.

3. Stay Organized by Using Good Filing Systems and Creating Personal Rituals

The more organized your life, the less stressed you will be. Create a filing system that works for you, with folders for important documents, recent documents and projects. Develop an organizational plan that is easy to maintain.

This will save you time in the long run by making everything easily accessible. Consider creating rituals for your daily life. These may include personal routines like making tea before work or going on a walk every day during your afternoon break.

It can be tough to stay on top of things, but with some good filing systems and personal rituals, it's possible. One way is to create a plan for where you're going to put mail as soon as you receive it. If the mail is junk, throw it out or recycle it immediately. If the mail needs action or processing, put it in a folder or bin for that type of task.

4. Ask for Help Where You Need It at Work

The workplace of the 21st century is becoming increasingly competitive and causing workplace stress. It's more important than ever to have a mentor or coach to guide you through your career, especially if you are feeling unsure of your next steps.

The lines between what constitutes a professional's work content are becoming blurred. With an ever-evolving job market, new roles are being developed to meet the needs of the modern workforce--even if it means asking for help where you need it at work.

First, you need to identify what part of your work needs help and then identify where this help can be found. For example, if you need a new idea for a blog post or video or something, then you could find a writer to help with that specific task. If you're struggling with crafting the perfect email message, then taking help from a writer at your workplace might be in your best interest.

5. Take Care of Your Physical Health

One of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental health is exercise and eat well. Although it may seem like a lot of work, the payoff is worth it. Exercise can release endorphins that make you feel good and help manage stress, depression and anxiety.

Eating well means eating food that will nourish your body and provide you with all the minerals and vitamins your body needs to deal with a stressful work environment. Looking after your physical health is vital for your well-being. The benefits are numerous, including increased energy, improved moods, reduced pain, better sleep quality and much more.

You may think that physical health has nothing to do with your mental health, but this is not the case. Your physical health can have a significant impact on your mental wellbeing. If you are not taking care of your body, then you are likely not taking care of your mind.

Physical health plays a significant role in determining a person's quality of life. Studies have shown that a person who has good physical fitness and good mental health is more likely to be successful in the workplace and in other areas of their life.

6. Find Some Time for Yourself to Pursue Hobbies or Interests That Are Not Work-Related

Studies have shown that people who pursue hobbies and interests outside of work are more productive and satisfied with their careers. If you're feeling overworked or feel workplace stress, try dedicating a few hours per week to this task. You'll be happy you did!

Hobbies are your free-time activities. They are what you want to do, even if your brain is engaged in other things. Hobbies help you release stress. You can choose to do your favorite activity after a long and stressful day at work.

Having hobbies can also help you build an excellent impression with your employees. It is a perfect way to let them know that you have other interests and more to your personality than just the work you do. Having a way to relieve stress can help you feel more satisfied and happier and help increase your productivity.

7. Identify and Track the Stressors at Work

One of the most crucial steps of dealing with a stressful work environment is identifying all the things at work that are stressing you out and putting extra pressure on you. Knowing what is bringing you down can help you find better solutions.

Keeping a journal to track your thoughts and feelings can help you out and be useful. Writing about your day and what stressed you out can enable you to identify your triggers at work. You can also write down how you deal with stressful situations.

Keeping a record of how you react to such situations can help you find which solutions work best for you and how you can implement them in your daily work life. Tracking these events can help you find a pattern among your stressors and what enables you to feel better.

8. Come Up with Healthy Responses

When you are trying to fight workplace stress, don’t indulge in unhealthy coping mechanisms like junk food or alcohol. Instead, you can try developing healthier habits that enable you to relieve stress and make you more active and productive.

Various types of exercise can help you beat stress. Trying yoga can help you center yourself and find peace. Any physical activity after work can be beneficial for you. Setting aside time for taking part in activities that can lift your mood can help you improve your performance at work.

Another healthy stress-reliever is getting enough sleep. A good night of sleep can improve your mood and enable you to give your best at work. You should work on maintaining healthy sleeping habits.

9. Take Time Off to Recharge

Chronic stress at the workplace can affect your performance and cause burnout. Everyone needs to take some time off to recharge and replenish themselves to return to the pre-stress performance levels.

To recover properly, you must switch off completely. It is crucial for your well-being to take this time away from work and not check up on anything going on at the workplace. Not taking part in any work-related activities can help you refresh your brain.

It is always better to avail your vacation days. Whenever you feel like the work is getting too much for you to handle and you need a break to recharge your batteries, you should take some time off.

10. Talk to Your Supervisor

The health of employees can have an effect on the company’s productivity. It is essential for supervisors to look after their employees if they want the best performance possible. Of course, your boss has an incentive to create an environment that promotes the well-being of the workers.

Having an open conversation with your supervisor can help you move in the right direction. You don’t have to complain about the problems you are facing. Instead, you can list out all the ways you feel you can combat workplace stress. You can let your supervisor know about all the stressors for you at work and how to overcome them.

It is essential that you discuss all the aspects of the workplace that might be affecting your productivity and work. You can also make suggestions about improving the physical workspace and making it more comfortable for everyone.

Final Takeaway

Work can get highly stressful. It is crucial for everyone to learn how they can manage workplace stress effectively. You need to focus on yourself and give yourself a break when you need it. Prioritizing employee well-being is also essential for companies as it can help improve their performance and productivity.

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