CTTI to Launch New Embedding Trials Feasibility Assessment Tool


CTTI to Launch New Embedding Trials Feasibility Assessment Tool

CTTI will host a free public webinar on Thursday, Feb. 29 at 12:00 p.m. EST to unveil a new tool for assessing the feasibility of embedding clinical trial elements into clinical practice.  

The webinar will include a welcome from Sara Calvert; a project overview from Lindsay Kehoe; a panel discussion that will focus on stakeholder perspectives related to the practical use of the tool; and an opportunity for you to help CTTI optimize its use. 

Embedding elements of clinical trials, such as patient identification, informed consent, and
data acquisition, into routine care reduces duplication of trial and care activities and promotes the
development of a learning health care system. This can naturally lead to better decision-making,
treatment options, and outcomes for patients. 

However, integrating interventional clinical trials into clinical practice is complex, and operational direction is needed. Supporting recently released recommendations, CTTI created a new tool that aims to aid sponsors involved in early planning and design of a clinical trial by providing insight into site readiness and feasibility of integrating trials into clinical practice. 

Register for the free 60-minute webinar.