Teleconsultation positions itself as viable alternative to offset low doctor-to-population ratio & specialists shortage

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Teleconsultation is seen as a viable alternative with low doctor-to-population ratio and shortage of specialists doctors. In fact, teleconsultation is seen to bridge this gap by allowing patients in remote areas to receive earlier diagnosis and treatment with low cost and faster follow-up check-ups.

We have seen teleconsultation has become an essential solution in India. It enables faster and more efficient treatment processes by connecting patients with specialists through technology, said Arindam Sen, director, i2i TeleSolutions. With only 1.7 doctors per 1,000 people in India, as per the Indian Medical Association’s 2020 report, and a scarcity of specialists such as cardiologists and oncologists, with only 0.6 and 0.4 per million population respectively, teleconsultation is crucial. These ratios fall below the World Health Organization’s recommended minimum and the average in high-income countries, leading to delays in treatment and diagnosis.

Telemedicine has emerged as a game-changer, offering remote medical advice and treatment through telecommunication technology. With teleconsultation, patients can connect with their healthcare providers from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the hassle of travel, parking, and waiting rooms. This offers convenience but also flexibility, allowing individuals to fit virtual visits into their busy schedules without taking leave from work or arranging for childcare, said Sen.

The integration of advanced technologies such as hybrid model consultation and Clinical Decision Support Systems holds tremendous potential to revolutionize patient care and management. The era of teleconsultation has dawned, ushering in a new era of healthcare accessibility and convenience, said Sen.

As technology advances at a rapid pace, some of the key emerging trends and technologies that are shaping the future of healthcare. One is the hybrid model of teleconsultation allowing patients to connect with specialists through local physicians and receive advice on future treatment processes. This model can provide patients with more comprehensive care and reduce the need for frequent in-person visits, he pointed out.

The other is Clinical Decision Support Systems which is a medical technology that allows real-time data sharing between patients and doctors for faster diagnosis and treatment. It supports clinicians by giving alerts, reminders, and recommendations based on patient data, clinical guidelines, and medical knowledge.

Even use of wearable devices gather health data that AI algorithms can analyse. This data can be integrated into mobile apps that use Clinical Decision Support Systems to provide personalised medical recommendations. These can help identify health risks, track fitness goals, and recommend effective treatments. Using AI and CDSS, wearable devices and mobile apps can empower users to take control of their health and well-being.

Chatbots and cloud computing have revolutionised healthcare technology. Chatbots can help patients with basic medical queries and provide medical advice, freeing up doctors’ time to focus on complex cases. Meanwhile, cloud computing allows medical records and other data to be stored and accessed remotely, enabling better collaboration and information sharing among doctors. Real-time access to critical patient data, regardless of location, can improve patient outcomes, said Sen.

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