November 9, 2022: Ethics and Regulatory Grand Rounds Series Continues This Friday

Headshots of Stephanie Morain and Kayte Spector-BagdadyThis Friday’s PCT Grand Rounds will feature the next installment of our special series, Ethical & Regulatory Dimensions of Pragmatic Clinical Trials. Stephanie Morain and Kayte Spector-Bagdady will present “Data Sharing and Pragmatic Clinical Trials: Law and Ethics Amidst a Changing Policy Landscape.”

The Grand Rounds session will be held on Friday, November 11, 2022, at 1:00 pm eastern.

Morain is a core faculty member in the Berman Institute of Bioethics and an assistant professor of health policy and management in the Bloomberg School of Public Health, both at Johns Hopkins University. Spector-Bagdady is interim codirector of the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine and an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Both Morain and Spector-Bagdady are members of the NIH Collaboratory’s Ethics and Regulatory Core.

Join the online meeting.

This special Grand Rounds series features moderated webinar discussions with panels of experts. The sessions focus on a range of topics, including the ethics of data sharing; ethical and regulatory considerations in the design and conduct of pragmatic trials; pragmatic research involving patients with dementia; and the use of waivers and alterations of consent.

Read the full program.