February 8, 2023: Goals of Informing and Consenting, This Friday in the Ethics and Regulatory Grand Rounds Series

Headshots of Pearl O'Rourke, Dave Wendler, Miguel Vazquez, and Michael HoThis Friday’s PCT Grand Rounds will feature the next installment of our special series, Ethical & Regulatory Dimensions of Pragmatic Clinical Trials. Pearl O’Rourke, Dave Wendler, Miguel Vazquez, and Michael Ho will present “Informing and Consenting: What Are the Goals?”

The Grand Rounds session will be held on Friday, February 10, 2023, at 1:00 pm eastern.

O’Rourke is the director of human research affairs at Partners HealthCare Systems in Boston and an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard. She serves as cochair of the NIH Collaboratory’s Ethics and Regulatory Core. Wendler is the head of the Section on Research Ethics in the NIH Clinical Center and a member of the Ethics and Regulatory Core. Vazquez is a professor of internal medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center and the principal investigator of the ICD-Pieces NIH Collaboratory Trial. Ho is a professor medicine at the University of Colorado and the principal investigator of the Nudge NIH Collaboratory Trial.

Join the online meeting.

This special Grand Rounds series features moderated webinar discussions with panels of experts. The sessions focus on a range of topics, including the ethics of data sharing; ethical and regulatory considerations in the design and conduct of pragmatic trials; pragmatic research involving patients with dementia; and the use of waivers and alterations of consent.

Read the full program.