February 13, 2024: New Chapter of Living Textbook Highlights Value of Patient Engagement and Provides Practical Strategies

Dr. Steven George

The NIH Pragmatic Trials Collaboratory published a new chapter in its Living Textbook of Pragmatic Clinical Trials. The chapter, Patient Engagement, describes principles and strategies for effectively engaging patient partners.

Because patients can provide valuable insights and perspectives about clinical care for specific conditions, they are key partners for pragmatic clinical trials. The chapter highlights the value of patient engagement and provides practical tactics for patient engagement throughout the life cycle of a pragmatic trial. It also recognizes potential barriers to patient engagement and case studies in the pragmatic trials context.

For more on partnership in pragmatic trials, see the chapters on Building Partnerships and Teams to Ensure a Successful Trial; Participant Recruitment; and Dissemination Approaches for Different Stakeholders.

Read more about the Living Textbook.