February 24, 2023: NIDA Announces Substance Use Prevention Challenge Funding Opportunity

NIDA logoThe National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites primary care clinical and research teams to take part in a new Challenge competition funding opportunity, “Substance Use Prevention Services in Primary Care!” With this Challenge, NIDA is seeking better understanding of how primary care providers can implement substance use prevention interventions in their clinical settings.

The Challenge will offer up to four awards of up to $25,000 each. Submissions are due May 19, 2023. Anyone with experience providing primary care services, supporting implementation of evidence-based substance use prevention interventions, researching substance use prevention in primary care, or advocating for substance use prevention in healthcare settings is encouraged to participate.

From the announcement:

The goal of this Challenge is to further research to support for primary care practices identifying people at risk for substance use or misuse and prevent substance use initiation and escalation of misuse to substance use disorders. NIDA recognizes [primary care providers] encounter many challenges to providing substance use prevention services, especially related to time, staffing, knowledge, and payment. We are seeking responses outlining primary care-based substance use prevention models that address risk identification and provision of/referral to substance use prevention interventions. These models should be frameworks that primary care practices could feasibly implement and sustain, and NIDA encourages aspirational and creative responses to introduce new ideas for research and implementation.

Learn more about the Challenge, rules, and submission requirements at Challenge.Gov. Email NIDAChallenge@nih.gov with questions.